
Indoor Shoes

All students should have a pair of indoor shoes that are left at school at all times.  Students can change into these shoes when they arrive at school and after they return from lunch, recess, or specials.  Students often work on the floor, and using indoor shoes helps keep the floors clean, dry, and comfortable throughout the day.  Please encourage your child to change into ther indoor shoes every day and not walk around in bare feet or socks.  Thank you for your help in this matter.

Healthy Snacks

Your child is welcome to bring a water bottle and a healthy snack to school.  Lunch is from 12:30-1:00, and with this later lunch time, your child will probably be hungry in the morning, and having a healthy snack will help him or her stay fueled throughout the day.  Examples of healthy snacks include: fresh or dried fruit, veggies, fruit cups, nuts/trail mix, cheese, meat sticks, yogurt, or popcorn.  Please do not send in items such as candy, cookies, or chips for snack.



491 Columbia Avenue
Holland, MI 49423
Phone: (616) 355-0055

Fax: (616) 355-0057