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Welcome to Black River Public School Athletic Department

 The Black River Public School Athletic Department believes that a well-developed athletic program is integral in the educational progress of students and serves to enhance social, physical, and educational development. The athletic program is an extension of the academic program and all athletes are urged to strive for excellence in both the classroom and in the athletic venues. Being a part of a team has many benefits and rewards.

The central goal of this athletic program is for the student-athlete to learn the importance of integrity, respect, discipline, hard work, and how to deal with success and adversity. These teachings build good character and confidence, along with being the driving force for our student athletes to take this into their future life and become more productive members of the community.

Participation in BRPS Athletics however is a privilege and not a right; and that privilege is earned by each participant through his or her adherence to the rules and policies set forth by Black River and the Michigan High School Athletic Association

Baseball 2024 Regional Champs
Basketball - Josiah Thomas
Girls Soccer Conference