Welcome to Black River High School. The mission of preparing students for college and life embraces smaller class sizes, varied course offerings, many Advance Placement opportunities, dual enrollment, and a college campus environment. Even though Black River is a K-12 school, the high school has its own unique sense of learning and community.
High School Features
Youth In Government
Black River's Michigan Youth In Government delegation once again did an outstanding job at the 2024 conference!
All of our students were active and frequent participants in discussion and debates about a multitude of proposals and bills. Jilliann Divozzo and Matilda Johnson both had their National Issues Forum proposals passed by the General assembly while Miles Divozzo and Doreen Sun had their bills signed into law.
Our very own Saachi Rajgarhia was also voted in as the Youth Governor for the 2025 conference!
Additional awards and recognitions include:
Best Representative of the Blue House: Ethan Altamirano
Best Committee Chair of the Red House: Greta Bast
Best Committee Chair for National Issues Forum: Matilda Johnson
2025 Presiding Officer of National Issues Forum: Matilda Johnson
Band Boston Trip
Black River Symphonic Band had the opportunity this spring to travel to Boston for the BOSTON Heritage Festival.
Students performed at the national festival with schools from across the country and had a fantastic showing in the competition. The ensemble also took part in a master clinic and received feedback from expert.
Students were also able to explore Boston, visiting the Museum of Science, the Aquarium, and several college campuses. They attended the Boston Symphony and did lots and lots of walking on the freedom trail!
AP & Dual Enrollment
With Hope College just down the road, Black River is able to offer Dual Enrollment for students who wish to dual enroll in High School and College classes. Students are able to begin earning college credits while still in High School in a variety of content areas.
In addition to dual enrollment, Black River offers 20 different Advanced Placement courses across all content areas. Students can choose AP courses in English, History, Math, Science, Spanish, Art, Psychology, and African American Studies. AP examinations offer another opportunity for students to earn college credit.
History teacher, Keely Morse, talks more about the amazing opportunities offered right here at Black River in this video.