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BR COVID-19 Information

Covid-19 Policies - Updated November 9, 2022

Black River continues to work closely with the Health Department when reporting Covid-19 cases. There have been some changes to these procedures and the following information will help guide families on our current policies. 

So, you’re experiencing symptoms…

Black River encourages families to follow the MDHHS recommendations, outlined below, when their child is experiencing Covid-19 symptoms (fever/chills, cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, muscle/body aches, headache, new loss of taste/smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, or diarrhea.)

Students and staff who display COVID-19 symptoms should isolate regardless of vaccination status unless they are able to obtain an alternate diagnosis from a medical professional or a negative Covid-19 test (from a lab OR at home.) Regardless of Covid-19 diagnosis, per the Communicable Diseases in Schools policy, if an individual has a fever, they must stay home until fever free for a period of 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications before returning to normal activities. 

Black River along with MDHHS recommend that those who are unable to obtain an alternate diagnosis or negative test follow these recommendations. 

• Isolate at home for the first 5 days (starting with the day after symptoms began or day after test was taken for those without symptoms); and

• If symptoms have improved or no symptoms developed, return to normal activities, while wearing a well-fitted mask, for the next 5 days to protect others. AND 

• If an individual has a fever, stay home until fever free for a period of 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications before returning to normal activities while wearing a well fitting mask, until the 10-day period is complete. OR

• Isolate at home for 10 days if unwilling/unable to wear a mask.  

So, you’ve tested positive…   

All persons, regardless of vaccination status, who test positive for Covid-19 are required to isolate at home. If symptoms have improved and they are fever free without medication, they may return to school on day 6 after the onset of symptoms, wearing a well fitting mask through day 10. If they are unable to wear a mask, isolation at home will continue through day 10. The date symptoms began, or date of positive test if there were no symptoms, is counted as day zero. 

Close contact exposure

It is recommended that anyone exposed to Covid-19 wear a high-quality, well-fitting mask for 10 days and be tested 3-7 days after exposure. Regardless of vaccination status, if they remain asymptomatic during this period they are not required to quarantine but are asked to monitor for symptom development. 

In this time of “Recovery” as defined by MDHHS, individuals are empowered to make the best decision for their individual situation regarding mitigation strategies including masks. This means that wearing a mask is a personal choice. Effective February 25, 2022, the CDC does not require wearing of masks on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems, including early care and education/child care programs. Along with the update to the CDC guidance, the Ottawa County Department of Public Health also confirmed that masking on school buses is no longer a requirement for school employees or students. In accordance with the guideline changes, masking on BRPS transportation will be optional beginning on Tuesday, March 1, 2022. Please know that our bus drivers will continue to have masks available should your child need or request one.