- Attendance
- Cell Phones
- Elementary Arrival & Dismissal Procedure
- Health & Safety
- School Closing & Delays
- Volunteers
Black River Public School believes it is the partnership we have with our parents and guardians that help our students build the habit of good attendance and punctuality. Parents want their children to do well in school but many don’t fully understand the connection between tardiness and absenteeism and a student’s academic achievement. Current research supports the fact that regular attendance is critical in the development and learning of all students. We now realize it is not only those students who fit the traditional definition of truancy, but those who are chronically absent, that are more likely to have lower grades and be less prepared in both school and in life. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school on time every day. When you make school attendance a priority, you help your child get better grades, develop healthy life habits, avoid dangerous behavior and have a better chance of graduating from high school.
We feel very fortunate that you chose Black River Public School, a strong community that values and supports quality education for our children. As a partner in your child's success, we believe regular school attendance is one of the most important factors affecting student achievement. Results of study after study demonstrate that students who attend school regularly do better than those who are frequently absent. School data overwhelmingly supports the fact that good attendance increases student achievement. Time missed from class cannot truly be compensated for in any adequate way and a stimulating, thoughtful classroom discussion or analysis cannot be made up. When absent, your student misses the opportunity for give and take, for questioning and being questioned. Classroom learning is a communal endeavor where teachers and students learn by being able to share ideas in an open forum. Absent students also miss the learning that comes from participation in the group process.
Black River’s goals for student learning emphasize the importance of communication skills, social responsibility, and respect for the ideas of others. Simply put students cannot achieve these goals if they are not in the classroom. We strongly believe there is no substitute for attending class and parents and caregivers are urged to stress the importance of regular attendance and punctuality. Learning the responsibility of getting to school and class on time is an integral part of the Black River Public School standard of excellence, which prepares our students for success and college readiness. In our school, instructional time is viewed as a precious resource. Consequently, we view chronic absenteeism or tardiness as a serious problem.
Black River views communication as the key to a student's attendance success. Today's rapidly evolving technology has bridged the communication gap between educators, students, and parents. We feel fortunate to have access to instructional tools like Infinite Campus which provides real-time access to grades, attendance, assignments, schedules, and more. Black River parents and/or guardians and students can view daily attendance, attendance codes, and attendance comments at any time by logging in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you have already signed up for the Parent Portal and cannot access your account please contact the main office for your username and a temporary password. If you do not have a Parent Portal account please fill out the following form and return it to the main office. You will be emailed your portal access information along with a handy FAQ sheet.
In an effort to better service the schools of the OAISD, visit this resource for the common language and coding that is recommended for each school to use in regard to attendance. Your student's attendance record follows them to each school they attend. These common codes make it easy for schools to communicate.
Additional Parent/Caregiver Attendance Information and Resources:
Build Good Attendance Habits Handout for Elementary Students - English
Build Good Attendance Habits Handout for Elementary Students - Spanish
Build Good Attendance Habits Handout for MS/HS Students - English
Build Good Attendance Habits Handout for MS/HS Students - Spanish
7:15 am - Lyceum doors open.
7:30 am - Breakfast is served in the Lyceum. Supervision will be provided and the elementary students will be walked over to the elementary building at 7:45 am Middle School/High School can wait in the Lyceum or outside until the main building doors open at 7:50 am.
7:45 am - Elementary doors open.
7:50 am - Middle School/High School doors open.
8:00 am. - All campus doors are locked. Carline closes/school begins. Students are expected to be in the classroom ready to learn at 8:00 am sharp!
After 8:00 am - Students are required to report to the main office for a tardy pass.
Daily Middle School/High School Passing Times and Block Schedule
MS/HS students are given passing time between each class change to move between classrooms and buildings or use the bathroom. Students are expected to be in class and seated by the end of the passing time. Below is a list of passing times:
1st - 9:26-9:33 am
2nd - 11:00-11:05 am
3rd - 11:55-12:00 am
4th - 1:26-1:33 pm
The Block Schedule can be referenced here.
3:00 pm - Middle School/High School dismissal (Project Term dismissal time is 2:40 pm.)
3:10 pm - Elementary dismissal - Please pick up your child promptly at 3:10 pm. (Project Term dismissal time is 2:40 pm.)
According to Black River Public School Policy, students have a limit of five excused absences per semester. These five absences allow for sporadic illness, doctor appointments, religious holidays, etc. Teachers will allow students to make up work upon their return for these five excused absences. Please note the following:
- Time away from class because of approved in-school activities and meetings with counselors or other school personnel are coded as SR (school related) and not considered an absence.
- Absences beyond five (5) excused school days require administrative notification.
When a student exceeds the 5-day limit for the semester it may greatly affect their academic success. Class time and homework missed due to excessive absence from school or class may not be made up without penalty. Communication with the school and teacher(s) is very important.
Excused absences for illness - On the third consecutive day of absence, a note from the doctor with the dates of treatment may be requested by the main office or administration. Teachers will allow students returning to school from an extended illness to make up missed work.
A student is considered chronically absent and may be considered truant when absent from school 10% of the enrolled school days. Students who are truant will be reported to the Ottawa County truancy officer as required by law.
Students with three or more unexcused absences in a given academic semester may be considered for disciplinary consequences. We will make every effort to help your student succeed. A formal attendance success plan may be developed and shared with the Ottawa County Truancy Officer. Additional guidelines on truancy can be found on the Ottawa Area ISD website.
- Excused absences include:
- Student illness/injury/residential treatment (verified by parent/guardian)
- Religious holidays
- Lice (3 days as a recommendation)
- Travel
- Exempted absences include:
- Student illness/injury/residential treatment (with a doctor's note)
- Medical appointments with a doctor’s note.
- Funeral/death in family
- Mandated court appearances (documented-only if children are required per subpoena)
- Placement by Juvenile Court in detention.
- College visit with documentation providing proof of attendance (Two per school year for 11th and 12th grade students)
- Unexcused absence is any absence not accounted for above, examples of unexcused absences include, but not limited to:
- Arriving late, unexcused - more than ten minutes tardy to class
- Staying home to babysit
- Overslept
- Travel (more than 5 days in school calendar)
- Needed at home
- Weather/weather-related delays when school is in session
- Transportation issues
- Child is not immunized
- Sickness (not documented or verified by parent/guardian)
- Chronic lice (over 5 days, CPS referral may be suggested/should be considered)
- Willful truancy (skipping/student refuses to attend school per parent/guardian, or reported as a runaway)
- Failure to notify the main office. (Messages left on the attendance line without an excusable reason as stated above)
Black River strongly discourages extended absences during the school term. Vacation days count toward the 5-day excused absence limit each semester. The decision for the absence is the responsibility of the parent and the student and should be made with consideration given to the student’s academic standing in school, with serious thought given to the impact of the absence. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange for and complete any work missed.
Absences for vacation, family trips, etc. over five days will be coded unexcused per the Ottawa County Attendance Policy.
If an extended absence is required, students and parents must fill out an Extended Absence Notification Form available in the main office and be returned five business days prior to the beginning of the absence.
The school staff assumes no responsibility for work missed on extended absences (other than those caused by illness and documented by a physician), and teachers may elect not to provide makeup opportunities for tests and projects missed due to an extended absence that does not directly involve a medical procedure or condition.
School begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. A student who arrives late to school must report to the main office. At the elementary-aged level we ask that the student be signed in by a parent/guardian. At the middle school/high school level, a parent may call the attendance line to report tardiness and the expected time of arrival. The only excused tardy is for illness or medical appointment. All other reasons are unexcused. The student will receive a tardy slip and should report to class immediately.
Excessive tardiness, regardless of reason, is unacceptable. Students who are consistently late for class demonstrate a disregard for the value of the time of their teacher and classmates and will receive disciplinary consequences beginning with detention. This includes both excused and unexcused tardies.
If chronic tardiness continues to be a problem the student will have additional disciplinary consequences as determined by the administration of the school.
We believe it is important for parents and students to know the attendance expectations and consequences for exceeding permissible tardies. These steps are to ensure we can provide the support needed to build the lifelong skill of punctuality.
5th Tardy: Parents will be parents/guardians will be contacted by the administrative staff. It is our goal to keep families informed and offer any needed support to help your student benefit from a full day of school.
8th Tardy: Parents/guardians will be asked to attend an in-person meeting with administrative and teaching staff in order to better understand and evaluate the student’s attendance.
5th Tardy: Parents will be emailed by the administrative staff regarding future consequences for accumulating more tardies and asked what support the school can provide.
10th Tardy: Parents will receive a student attendance detention notice from the school by email. Students will receive a discipline referral to document the attendance pattern and be required to serve before-school detention.
Detentions will be served on Thursdays from 7:00 am - 7:45 am Doors will open at 6:50 am. If there is a valid reason that your son or daughter cannot make the assigned detention, it must be made up on the following Thursday.
If a student misses his or her assigned detention without a valid reason, a detention will be assigned for the next offered detention date in the main building, room 209 at 7:00 am. sharp. Doors to the main building will be open by 6:50 am. If a student misses multiple detentions they may be suspended for the following school day pending review.
After 10 tardies, the number of tardies will be reset to zero and an attendance support plan will be created. Further repercussions will be explored for noncompliance of consequences which may result in a parent meeting with a truancy officer from Ottawa County or suspension. Thank you for the guidance you give as your child sets lifelong attendance habits.
Attendance coding for tardies and early dismissal:
Students arriving between 8:01-8:10 am are coded TARDY/UNEXCUSED unless your student is sick or has a doctor's note - Arrival after 8:10 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. the code is LATE ARRIVAL/UNEXCUSED OR EXCUSED. The school maintains a record of the number of minutes a student is in attendance and notes attendance comments with the reason for late arrival.
Students leaving between 3:00-3:10 p.m. are coded LEFT EARLY/UNEXCUSED unless your student is sick or has a dr. note. If the student is checked out BEFORE 3:00 p.m., it will be coded as an absence.
If you have any questions regarding attendance coding, please contact the main office.
Continued tardiness may warrant an out-of-school suspension and the student may lose credit for the course as determined by the administration of the school.
Further consequences will be explored for noncompliance with the detention requirement which may result in a parent meeting with a truancy officer from Ottawa County or suspension.
Attendance coding for tardies:
8:01-8:10 am - The student will be coded TARDY/UNEXCUSED OR EXCUSED - After 8:10 a.m. the code is ABSENT/UNEXCUSED OR EXCUSED. The school maintains a record of the number of minutes a student is in attendance and attendance comments with the reason for late arrival.
Thank you for the guidance you give as your child sets lifelong attendance habits.
Michigan law places responsibility on each parent or guardian to send their child to school on a daily basis. We ask that you contact the main office by 9:00 a.m. to report illness or absences. The school will follow up on student attendance if a call has not been made and it is coded in the student attendance as unexcused until we receive a phone call or email.
The procedure for reporting an absence is as follows:
Day of the absence, please contact the automated attendance line of your child's school. The call should be made before 9:00 am each day during the period of absence.
Elementary School Attendance Line
616-355-0055, ext. 328
Middle School/High School Attendance Line
616-355-0055, ext 228
Please be prepared to give the following information:
- Student Name
- Student Grade
- Date of Absence
- Reason for Absence*
* The school provides the county health department with information on fever and stomach flu totals as well as other communicable illnesses within our student population. It is important to be specific when leaving a reason for illness if your child has a fever or the stomach flu. Black River follows the guidelines of the Michigan Department of Community Health.
On the third consecutive day of absence, a note from the doctor with the dates of treatment may be requested by the main office or administration.
Medical and dental appointments should be made on days or times when school is not in session. Please reference the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar when scheduling. When appointments are unavoidable or an emergency arises, the following procedure should be followed:
Contact the automated attendance line by 9:00 a.m. for late arrivals and early dismissals from school.
Elementary School Attendance Line
616-355-0055, ext. 328
Middle School/High School Attendance Line
616-355-0055, ext 228
Please be prepared to give the following information:
- Student Name
- Student Grade
- Date of Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
- Reason for Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
- Time Student is Returning to Campus
Before leaving the building, the person providing transportation must sign the student out at the main office. In the case of a Middle School/High School student driver or walker, the student is allowed to leave campus without a parent coming to the school only when given permission by the parent contacting the main office. The main office will call to dismiss the student from class and the student must sign out at the main office prior to leaving campus. Late pick-ups and drop-offs should not occur at the Lyceum building.
If/when the student returns to school, they must report to the main office to sign in and receive an admit slip to re-enter the class currently in session. If the sign-in/out is discovered to be unexcused, it will be reviewed by the Dean of Students to determine appropriate disciplinary consequences.
Reminder: Early dismissals for extracurricular activities or lessons will be marked as unexcused absences.
Medical documentation may be requested for repeated early dismissals or late arrivals.
If a student becomes ill while at school, the student should get a pass from his/her teacher and go to the main office. At the office, the student will get their temperature taken and be able to wait for 5-10 minutes to determine if he/she is able to return to class. If the student is unable to return to class, the parent will be notified and expected to pick him/her up at school immediately. Middle school/high school students will be allowed to use the office phone or their cell phone (while in the main office) to call for a pickup. The person providing the transportation must sign the student out in the main office before leaving school. Middle school/high school student walkers and drivers will be allowed to leave campus with permission given by the parent/guardian and must sign out in the main office before leaving campus.
In the case of a medical emergency, the school will call 911 as appropriate.
To help foster the independence of our students and protect the privacy of our student body, parents are NOT PERMITTED to attend recess with his or her child.
Black River Public School is a closed campus. Upperclassmen are allowed one lunch per year where they may leave campus during lunch/CAP time. This is usually reserved for a special celebration like birthdays, youth group lunch with the leader or senior lunch where a sibling is included and must be communicated on the attendance line by 9:00 a.m. Please leave the name of the youth group leader or parent that will be picking up your student. Students must arrive back on campus before class resumes or they will receive an unexcused tardy. Middle school and high school lunch/CAP hour sign-outs should be communicated in advance to the main office by calling the automated attendance line. Parents may not call in to excuse their underclassmen to participate in senior lunch privileges. Middle School/High School student walker or drivers must have permission before signing out to leave campus.
All parents and visitors arriving on campus must first sign in at the main office and receive a visitor’s badge. On leaving the parent/visitor will return the badge to the main office and sign out. Please make every effort to communicate before/after school plans with your student before school starts. Parents should limit speaking with students to before or after school, or during lunch/passing time. We will not call a student out of class for parent conversations unless it is an emergency.
Black River Public School is a closed campus. After arriving at school, students are considered to be in attendance and may not leave campus for any reason without approval from a parent or administration. Students who leave campus without official approval are considered unexcused and will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension from school and/or expulsion depending on the extent of the violation of the closed campus policy.
Information about emergency school closing and delayed starts will be displayed on the Black River Public School website, relayed to families through the District's push notification on the StayConnected app (parents must sign up for this feature), and will be communicated to the local media outlets; WOOD TV8, WZZM TV13 and FOX17. Parents should always refer to the Black River website for final decisions and notices.
Cell Phones
Elementary Arrival & Dismissal Procedure
Morning Arrival & Drop Off
Morning Arrival
Doors open at 7:45 am; class begins promptly at 8:00 am.
Please make sure that you pull as far forward as you are safely able when in the drop-off zones to allow space for other vehicles.
Parents are asked to stay in their vehicles during drop-off to help keep the line moving smoothly.
Please have your children prepared to exit the vehicle before you reach the drop-off zone. This means backpacks are on, other personal items are in hand, and good-byes are done. Thank you for your help with this.
The Lyceum building will be open at 7:15 am for breakfast and early arrivals.
We ask that students DO NOT exit the vehicle before 7:45am if you arrive early UNLESS you are dropping children off at the Lyceum.
If you arrive AFTER 8:00 am, please accompany your child to the elementary office to be signed in and to receive a tardy slip.
Students may be dropped off at either drop-off zone but please have all your children exit the vehicle in the same zone.
Students should only exit the vehicle through the passenger side.
Afternoon Dismissal & Pick Up
This year we will be continuing to use a dismissal program called Driveline. This software will allow teachers to dismiss students directly from the classroom to the carline or walker lines.
Dismissal will begin at 3:10 pm for the elementary students.
If you are picking your children up through the carline, please make sure that your laminated number card is visibly displayed in your front window.
If you do not have your laminated number card, you may print/write the number out in large font so that it can easily be seen from a distance.
We will be using both lanes of the drive (Lane 1 and 2) to load students into vehicles for dismissal.
Vehicles will be released in batches of 10. Once every child has been safely loaded into the 10 vehicles in that batch, the vehicles will be dismissed.
For safety, DO NOT move your vehicle until directed to do so.
Each pickup area has a designated color and students will be directed to the color where they are to be picked up.
Teachers will stay in the classrooms at dismissal and keep track of students being dismissed. The support staff will help with the dispatch of the carline and walker line, as well as, for supervision.
If a child is not able to come out to the carline in a timely fashion, that parent will be asked to pull ahead and park in one of four parking spots at the end of the drive and wait until their child makes it outside.
If you choose to use the walker line for pickup you will need to park in the Columbia Ave lot or near the front of the school.
NO vehicles will be able to exit the Lyceum lot between 3:05-3:30 unless they are picking up a child using Driveline.
Upper Elementary students who will not be using the walker/carline can be dismissed directly from their classrooms after checking with their teacher.
Your Driveline number is also used for the walker line so please make sure the person picking up your child knows the Driveline number.
It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform the teacher/s and the office if someone else will be picking up your child/ren. Advance notice is needed to adjust Driveline accordingly.
Finally, please be courteous and give grace to one another. There are a lot of moving parts during dropoff and dismissal. Be patient. Student safety is our number one priority.
Health & Safety
Head Lice
As a reminder, BRPS aligns our head lice protocol with state recommended guidelines. Please note to eliminate any possible embarrassment or ridicule, we do not pull children from class for school wide or classroom wide lice checks. Although we reserve the right to check at our discretion, we are advising parents to become more involved in the steps to prevent the transmission of head lice.
Students with live lice may stay in school until the end of the day; immediate treatment at home is advised.
Please encourage your child not to share or trade personal items that come in tact with their hair. Direct physical head-to-head contact is how the lice are generally spread. Lice do not jump, fly or swim. They are, however, good crawlers.
Check your child's head weekly for lice and/or nits (lice eggs). Mature lice, which are no bigger than a sesame seed, avoid light and are hard to see. They usually cause intense itching. Lice eggs or "nits" are found close to the scalp - usually within 1/4 inch. They appear as tiny whitish ovals that are "glued" to the hair shaft. They cannot easily be flicked away as dandruff can. Head lice are not harmful and cannot cause disease. They cannot survive on pets. ANYBODY can get head lice.
If you find head lice on your child, please treat appropriately. Remove nits from the head by combing. This is the most important lice control measure. Complete nit removal is time-consuming but is critical for successful treatment. Remove all of the lice and nits from the environment by washing or vacuuming. Please wash your child’s clothing, bedding, towels, stuffed animals, car seats, hats and combs in hot water (160 degrees if possible). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the elementary office. Please notify the school office and keep him/her home until treated and lice and nits are removed. Continue to examine all family members for two weeks. Repeat treatment only if needed.
It is easy to get lice.
Lice are spread by head-to-head contact and are much harder to get than a cold, the flue, ear infections, pinkeye, strep or impetigo.
Avoiding lice is important, as they are dirty and spread disease.
Lice do not spread any known disease, nor are they impacted by hygiene.
Head lice are very sturdy creatures and can survive many days off a human head in furniture, linens and clothing.
Head lice need a blood meal every few hours in addition to the warmth and humidity of the human scalp to survive. when off the human body, in optimal conditions, they cannot survive for more than 24 to 36 hours.
Nits (lice eggs) can fall off a person's head, hatch, and cause another person to get lice.
Nits are glued to the hair shaft by a cement-like substance and are very hard to remove. When a numph is hatched, it must quickly have the warmth and food source of a head to survive.
Cutting a person's hair will prevent head lice infestations.
The length of a person's hair does not prevent head lice infestations.
You can get head lice from sitting at a desk next to someone who is infested with head lice.
Head lice are spread through DIRECT head-to-head contact. The lice do not hop, jump, or fly, so sitting near someone with head lice does not increase the risk of getting the lice.
Lice are commonly spread throughout school.
Transmissions in school are rare. It is more common to get head lice from family members, overnight guests, and playmates who spend a lot of time together.
Schools and child-care facilities should screen all children for head lice, so everyone can be treated and the spread of head lice will be prevented.
Having regularly scheduled mass screenings does not reduce the incidence of head lice.
"No-nit" policies reduce the risk of head lice in schools and child-care facilities.
Research shows "no-nit" policies do not decrease the number of cases of head lice. They do increase the risk of incorrect diagnosis of head lice, the number of days children are out of school, and negative social stigma associated with head lice. They also may hinder academic performance.
You can get lice from your dog or other pets.
Head lice are specific to humans. You can get human lice only from other humans. You cannot give your pets lice.
School Closing & Delays
If school is to be closed or delayed, Black River Public School will make the announcement via media outlets (WHTC 1450 AM, WOOD TV8) prior to 6:30 a.m. This may occur on days where weather conditions make roads impassable or unsafe, or on days when some unforeseen circumstance renders it appropriate to close or delay the school day.
A closing or delayed start will also be posted by 6:30am on the school’s voicemail system and in the News Feed on the Black River website.
Delayed Start 10:00am - We intend to keep school open and on schedule as much as possible but sometimes morning conditions can be dangerous, especially for our student drivers. In that spirit, when weather conditions are expected to clear mid-morning, we will call for a delayed start to school. School begins at 10:00am and the doors will not open before 9:50am.
Black River Public School requires a School Volunteer and Campus Guest Profile Form to be on file in the main office before a volunteer or campus guest can help in a classroom, chaperone a field trip, or be on campus for an extended amount of time. Standard school safety procedures require all campus visitors to sign in and out in the elementary or middle school/high school main office and wear a visitor badge while on campus. Please allow 72 hours before your visit for the main office to process your form and once completed your form will remain on file for the school year.
Important Reminder: A new form must be completed by EVERY campus guest and volunteer EVERY school year.