The start of the 2024-2025 school year is right around the corner. We welcome all our new BR families and we look forward to seeing all of our returning BR families back on campus. As you plan for the upcoming academic year, please use the following information as your main hub of answers for frequently asked questions.
If you are unable to find the information you are looking for, please know that we are always happy to answer questions or point you in the right direction. Thank you for choosing Black River Public School!
2024-2025 School Year Information
- Communication - Stay connected
- Important Dates
- Technology Information
- Infinite Campus Parent Portal
- School Hours and Schedules
- Student/Family Directory
- Elementary Information
- MS/HS Information
- Attendance Procedures
- Volunteering on Campus
- Health - Medications and Immunizations
- School Policies and Special Requests
- Food Service
- School Supplies
- Transportation - Drop off, Pick up
- Black River Gear
- Athletics Program Information
- Parent Organizations
- Class of 2025 Senior Party
- Non Discrimination Statement
- School Delays and Closings
Communication - Stay connected
Please help us keep family and emergency contact information up-to-date. If you have moved or changed your phone number, please take a moment to email changes or verify information. Email the elementary main office or the MS/HS main office at the emails below. Please note that participation in the Black River Parent Organization Directory does not update your personal information on file with the school.
Allison Hilgert, Elementary Main Office Administrative Assistant
Phone: 616-355-0055, ext. 302
Christie Phillips, Middle School/High School Main Office Administrative Assistant
Phone : 616-355-0055, ext. 102
For more BRPS news and updates, we encourage you to subscribe to News & Calendar Updates.
Look for the alert bell icon on the Website to subscribe to email alerts. For notifications of news items, go to the View All News page and click on the bell icon. For notifications of changes and updates to events, go to the Event Calendar.
We also encourage you to follow us on social media.
Facebook as Black River Public School
Instagram as @blackriverpublicschool
YouTube as Black River K12 Holland
Twitter @blackriverrats.
Important Dates
HOORAY! Wednesday, August 21, 2024: First Day of School for Grades K-12 | 8:00am
Access the 2024-2025 School Year Calendar for all important calendar dates and the Black River Master Calendar with early dismissal times and event information.
Thursday, August 15, 2024: MS/HS Schedules 2024-2025 Available on Infinite Campus | Watch for your schedule!
Thursday, August 15, 2024: Outdoor Learning Environment Ribbon Cutting | 5:00-5:30 pm
The new Outdoor Learning Environment is completed! Please join us for a brief Ribbon Cutting Ceremony before heading over to Popsicles in the Park and/or the MS/HS Ice Cream Social!
Thursday, August 15, 2024: MS/HS Family Ice Cream Social | 5:30-7:30 pm
Join other middle and high school families for an informal meet-and-greet at Rosa Park hosted by the BR Parent Organization. No RSVP is needed.
Thursday, August 15, 2024: Elementary Family Popsicles in the Park | 5:30-7:30 pm
Come meet new Black River families and reconnect with friends you've missed this summer! Elementary families are invited to meet at Prospect Park by the playground for a fun evening and yummy popsicles.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024: Middle School/High School New Student Orientation | 9-10 am
The MS/HS New Student Orientation is an opportunity for students new to BRPS and new to the MS/HS main building campus to meet their CAP teacher, tour the school, find their classrooms and locker. Please be on-time as students will break up into CAP rooms to tour as a group. Students should meet in the Lyceum with a copy of their schedule.
Parents are invited to the Lyceum building to enjoy coffee with the Parent Organization and ask staff members any questions they have about the upcoming school year. This is an informal gathering and not required.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024: Elementary Open House | 3-4pm
The Elementary Open House is an opportunity for students NEW to BRPS, NEW to a classroom, and all Kindergarten students to take a walk through the building and see their classroom before school starts. We hope that this will ease the transitions for new students, rising students, and Kindergarten students on Wednesday morning. It is an excellent time to prepare your student for drop-off and pick-up procedures.
Wednesday, August 28th: K-12 Curriculum Open House 5–7 pm
This is a wonderful time to meet with the teachers as they explain the curriculum and expectations for the upcoming school year.
Thursday, September 5, 2024: School Picture Day for Grades K-12
Black River is proud to partner with Geskus Photography for our school picture needs. Watch your elementary student classroom newsletter and your students backpack for more information. MS/HS picture packets are passed out in CAP class.
Technology Information
1:1 Technology and Chromebooks (6-12)
Black River MS/HS is a 1:1 school, meaning students 6th-12th are expected to have a computer or tablet with them daily for regular use in class. BR also supports a ‘Bring Your Own” environment, meaning students can bring a personal device that is capable of handling the classwork expected.
Families interested in taking part in BR's 1:1 Chromebook program will have the opportunity to order a Chromebook for the 2024-’25 school year soon. Look for updated information regarding the program and costs in your email and under the Technology Information page when available. If you have any questions, please contact Caleb Fisher, technology director, at
New Student Email and Infinite Campus Accounts (K-12)
New student emails and Infinite Campus accounts are generated periodically throughout the summer. If you have a new student at BR and have not received a welcome email with account information yet, please contact Caleb Fisher for support at
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
The Black River Infinite Campus Parent Portal is a web-based student information system that allows parents/guardians and students to monitor registration, schedules, attendance, assignments, progress reports, lunch balances, school-related email messages, and much more! If you already have a username and password, it is not necessary to sign up again. However, it is greatly appreciated if you can log-in and make sure your information is up-to-date. If you are new to Black River and would like to access Infinite Campus, please complete the Infinite Campus Portal Consent form and return it to the main office. Your activation information will be emailed to you. Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding Infinite Campus.
Parents will find Grade Reports, Fees, Attendance Record, Community Service Record, and Student Schedules on Infinite Campus.
School Hours and Schedules
Student/Family Directory
Elementary Information
Elementary Student Home Visits
One way our elementary teachers get to know their students is by visiting the child's home before the beginning of school. This allows the teacher to meet the child and parents in a comfortable setting and gives the teacher valuable information to help support students in the classroom. Teachers will begin making phone calls to set up these visits in early to mid-August.
Fostering Student Independence
The teachers and staff are so excited for the upcoming school year! In recognition of the Montessori focus on fostering independence in children and allowing the teachers to quickly establish a morning routine in the classroom, students will proceed to their classrooms independently.
Wednesday, August 28th: Elementary Montessori Curriculum Open House and BRPO Family Picnic 5–7 pm
This is a wonderful time to meet with the teachers as they explain the curriculum and expectations for the upcoming school year.
School Supplies for Grades K-5
Grades K-5: Each elementary student has a fee of $50 that covers the expense of all supplies as well as some school field trips scheduled throughout the year. This fee can be paid through your Infinite Campus parent portal account or by cash/check in the main office.
Reminder from Mr. Jim!
Mr. Jim wants to remind parents that children's vision problems are often undetected, even with routine school screening, which can have a significant impact on their educational development. Please schedule a back-to-school vision screening with your doctor or the health department as soon as possible!
Here is an article Mr. Jim recommends reading for more information.
MS/HS Information
Tuesday, August 20, 2024: Middle School/High School New Student Orientation | 9-10 am
The MS/HS New Student Orientation is an opportunity for students new to BRPS and new to the MS/HS main building campus to meet their CAP teacher, tour the school, find their classrooms and locker. Please be on-time as students will break up into CAP rooms to tour as a group. Students should meet in the Lyceum with a copy of their schedule.
Parents are invited to the Lyceum building to enjoy coffee with the Parent Organization and ask staff members any questions they have about the upcoming school year. This is an informal gathering and not required.
Wednesday, August 28th: Middle & High School Curriculum Open House 5–7 pm
This is a wonderful time to meet with the teachers as they explain the curriculum and expectations for the upcoming school year.
MS/HS Locker Information and Request Form
Grades 6-8: Lockers will automatically be assigned to students in grades 6-8. Locker details will be printed on schedules mailed in August.
Grades 9-12: Lockers are available upon request. Students who wish to have a locker need to fill out the Locker Request Form or stop by the main office by Wednesday, August 16th.
School Supplies for Grades 6-12
Grades 6-12: Students will be instructed on the first day of class with specific school supplies that are needed. Basic supplies such as folders, pencils, and paper can be purchased prior to school starting.
Student Parking - Permit Required
Each year students are responsible for purchasing and displaying a valid permit if they drive to school. Students should fill out the Student Parking Permit Form and once submitted pick up a permit in the main office. A parking permit costs $20. In order to be good neighbors, we ask that students use the designated Main Building or Lyceum parking lots and not the streets surrounding the school or the lot at Baker Lofts.
Once your form is submitted and you have made the payment, you may pick up your pass in the main office.
For Parents/Guardians of JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY:
Federal law requires that Black River Public School release the name, home address, email, and telephone number of all high school Juniors and Seniors to military recruiters, upon request. A student’s parent or legal guardian may direct the school not to release this information. If you do NOT want the school district to release your student information to military recruiters, please fill out the Opt Out/In Form.
This request is only valid for the 2024-2025 school year. You will need to fill out a new survey each school year.
Attendance Procedures
K-12 School Attendance Procedures
If your student will be late due to an appointment, absent from school or has a scheduled appointment that will require an early release, please call the automated attendance line by 9:00am the day of the absence:
Middle School/High School Attendance Line: 616-355-0055, ext. 228
Elementary School Attendance Line: 616-355-0055, ext. 328
In the event the telephone lines are down, please email Alison Hilgert for Elementary attendance at or Christie Phillips for MS/HS attendance at
Students must be signed out from the student’s main office before leaving and upon returning to school. A pass will be given to allow the student back into class.
Students leaving campus without signing out are considered unexcused.
The person providing transportation is required to come into the office to sign out their student anytime they are leaving before the end of the school day.
Students will only be released to adults listed in the student’s Infinite Campus profile unless pre-authorized by the office.
Parents/guardians of student drivers with medical appointments or illness are required to contact the main office before the student will be dismissed from class and allowed to sign out in the main office to leave campus.
For last-minute appointments, please call the student’s main office as the attendance line is not regularly checked after 9:30 am. Following the above procedures will alleviate waiting long periods of time in the office while staff searches for a student who may be in gym class or not in their assigned classrooms.
What happens if you’re just running a little late for school?
Elementary students arriving after 8:00am must be signed in at the elementary main office by a parent or guardian.
Middle/High School students arriving after 8:00am MUST stop in the MS/HS main office for a tardy slip.
Please read the District Attendance Information & Procedures for more detailed attendance information. We are your partner in attendance success!
In order to maintain a consistent attendance policy as students move through their academic careers, Black River has adopted the Ottawa County attendance policy and absenteeism protocol. Please see the important Attendance section in your student's handbook below:
Elementary Handbook - currently being updated, check back soon!
Middle School Handbook - currently being updated, check back soon!
High School Handbook - currently being updated, check back soon!
Any pre-planned absences over two days require a signed Extended Absence Notification Form submitted to the student’s main office for the building administrator. This form is available in the main offices or on the Black River website.
Students or parents can request homework directly from their teachers via email. Homework can be picked up in the main office after school.
Tardiness - School begins at 8:00 am for all students. A student who arrives late must report to their main office and be signed in by a parent or guardian.
Student Drivers - If your student is driving to an appointment during school hours, please contact the MS/HS Attendance Line (ext 228) by 9:00 am to inform us of the release time and when/if your student will be expected to return to campus.
Students who are consistently tardy to class will be offered interventions, which may include a meeting with parents/administration/Social Work/Counseling Team. A student who is late three or more times to a single class may be eligible for supportive follow-up/interventions. During this time the student and team will identify why the late arrivals are occurring and seek to fix the cause of the issues.
In addition to interventions and supportive measures, if a student continues to arrive late to class consequences ranging from lunch detention to morning detention up to suspension may be assigned.
Volunteering on Campus
Are you Volunteering on Our Campus?
Black River Public School requires a School Volunteer and Campus Guest Profile Form to be on file in the main office before a volunteer or campus guest can help in a classroom, chaperone a field trip, or be on campus for an extended amount of time. Standard school safety procedures require all campus visitors to sign in and out in the elementary or middle school/high school main office and wear a visitor badge while on campus. Please allow 72 hours before your visit for the main office to process your form and once completed your form will remain on file for the school year.
Important Reminder: A new form must be completed by EVERY campus guest and volunteer EVERY school year.
Health - Medications and Immunizations
Stricter Student Immunization Rules Mandated by the Health Department
Are your student's immunizations up-to-date? Michigan law requires that all kindergarten, 7th grade students, as well as transfer students, have current immunizations to be in attendance at school. ALL students not compliant will be sent home from school. Please turn in any immunizations received over the summer to the main office. If you are unsure of your child’s immunization status, please check with your family physician. Families that may be exempt for a medical, religious belief and/or a moral or ethical reason, will need a waiver authorized by the Ottawa County Health Department. Please remember waiver appointments are being scheduled several weeks out. Contact the Health Dept. today!
Medications at School
If your student takes medication, uses an inhaler, administers insulin, or carries an EpiPen during school hours, an Administration of Medication form must be on file in the main office. The form is available on the school website. To ensure accuracy, a new form must be completed each year. Please note students may not have medication (prescription or non-prescription) in their possession at school unless otherwise noted by the physician on the Administration of Medication form (ex: Epi-Pen/Inhaler). Medication is required to be held and dispensed from the main office.
Reminder from Mr. Jim!
Mr. Jim wants to remind parents that children's vision problems are often undetected, even with routine school screening, which can have a significant impact on their educational development. Please schedule a back-to-school vision screening with your doctor or the health department as soon as possible!
Here is an article Mr. Jim recommends reading for more information.
School Policies and Special Requests
Dress Code
We have updated the wording addressing our dress code policy. Below is an excerpt for quick reference. Please take the time to read the entire policy in the student’s respective handbook.
"Clothing that is overly revealing is inappropriate. Clothing must cover the chest, back, torso, stomach, and lower extremities, from armpit to armpit to mid-thigh. Mid-thigh is defined as halfway between the hipbone and where the kneecap begins. Clothing must not be see-through. Tops must have at least two-inch straps.”
Requests regarding School Publications and Notifications of Pesticide Use on Campus
Throughout the year, Black River Public School families have the opportunity to opt out of publications and the release of information. This may include a student's name, photograph, or video recording as they participate in routine academic, artistic, or athletic activities. The photos and videos are used in school-related promotional and advertising materials disseminated to the public through newspapers, magazines, admission materials, our website, social media, and other channels deemed appropriate and safe by Black River Public School. This consent will remain in effect until changed in writing by filling out the Opt Out/In Form. Please fill out a form for each student in your family. This request is only valid for the 2024-2025 school year. You will need to fill out a new survey each school year.
If you would like to receive email notification of pesticide and fertilizer applications on Black River Public School property, please fill out the Opt Out/In Form. This request is valid for the 2024-2025 school year only, and you do not need fill out the form if you do not want to receive notifications.
For Parents/Guardians of JUNIORS AND SENIORS ONLY:
Federal law requires that Black River Public School release the name, home address, email, and telephone number of all high school Juniors and Seniors to military recruiters, upon request. A student’s parent or legal guardian may direct the school not to release this information. If you do NOT want the school district to release your student information to military recruiters, please fill out the Opt Out/In Form.
This request is only valid for the 2024-2025 school year. You will need to fill out a new survey each school year.
Food Service
School Breakfast and Lunch Program Information
Breakfast/lunch menus and additional information can be found on the website under Food Services. The school is not accepting drop-offs or deliveries unless they are medically necessary. If your student forgets a lunch at home, they will have the opportunity to get one from our kitchen. Breakfast is available at the Lyceum during school days, starting at 7:20 am to 8:00 am. The price of a paid breakfast is $1.45, but is covered under the Michigan School Meals initiative.
Great News! Michigan School Meals for all students during the 2024-2025 school year has passed!
All students will be eligible for a free breakfast and a free lunch every day at school this year. This program ensures students are fed and ready to learn!
As in all years, any additional servings will be charged to the student's account at full price. Please check your Infinite Campus account to pay for any outstanding food service balances prior to the start of the school year.
SENIORS-Black River Public School allows seniors in good academic and behavioral standing to have off-campus privileges for the CAP/lunch hour on the last school day of the week. On most school weeks this will fall on a Friday but can be on another day. A parent/legal guardian must pre-approve this privilege by completing the Senior Off-Campus Lunch Form online.
School Supplies
School Supplies for Grades K-12
Grades K-5: Each elementary student has a fee of $50 that covers the expense of all supplies as well as some school field trips scheduled throughout the year. This fee can be paid through your Infinite Campus parent portal account or by cash/check in the main office.
Grades 6-12: Students will be instructed on the first day of class with specific school supplies that are needed. Basic supplies such as folders, pencils, and paper can be purchased prior to school starting.
Transportation - Drop off, Pick up
Student Parking - Permit Required
Each year students are responsible for purchasing and displaying a valid permit if they drive to school. Students should fill out the Student Parking Permit Form and once submitted pick up a permit in the main office. A parking permit costs $20. In order to be good neighbors, we ask that students use the designated Main Building or Lyceum parking lots and not the streets surrounding the school or the lot at Baker Lofts.
Once your form is submitted and you have made the payment, you may pick up your pass in the main office.
Elementary Dismissal Procedure
Both walker line and carline pick-up will be on the east side of the building. For both walker line and carline you will need to know or show your Driveline number. If you are a new family to Black River you can find your Driveline number by calling the elementary office at 616-355-0055 ext 302.
Click here for more information: Arrival and Dismissal Procedure + Maps
Black River Gear
Black River Gear is Here!
Head back to school in BR style. Shop the school Spiritwear Store 24/7 for all of the latest BR gear including t-shirts, jackets, hats, backpacks, duffels, and more!!
Athletics Program Information
All high school fall sports athletes and their parents should plan to attend an informational/parent meeting on Thursday, August 15 at 5:30pm in the BR main gym. Meet the coaching staff, parent-coach meetings, purchase sports passes, learn about digital ticketing, and get all your athletic questions answered.
High School Boys and Girls Cross Country - The Boys and Girls Cross Country team will have their first practice on Monday August 12th from 7-8:30pm at Kollen Park meeting in the parking lot across from 12th street. Tuesday August 13th we will meet from 7-8:30pm at Black River, Wednesday August 14th from 7-8pm at Wolters Woods (6281 147th Ave, Holland, MI 49423), Thursday August 15th we will meet directly after the athlete/parent meeting at Black River and Friday August 16th we will have an easy practice at 4pm at Black River and a team Dinner at 6pm (location TBD). Our first meet is on Saturday August 17th. If you have any questions please contact Coach Dave at
High School Girls Volleyball - Tryouts will be held August 12-14 5:30-7:30 pm in the main gym and practices for all teams begin the day after tryouts. Make sure you have uploaded your physical and have everything updated on final forms. If you have questions reach out to Izzy Schroeder-
High School Boys Soccer - Tryouts for all HS soccer players will be August 12-14 from 6-9pm at the BR soccer field. Bring cleats and shin guards to each session. Team practices will begin on August 15 from 6-8pm. Questions? Contact Varsity Coach Kyle Lawton at
Middle School Boys and Girls Cross Country, Girls Volleyball, & Boys Soccer (Grades 6,7,8)- Begins on Monday, August 26. Please check the BR Website, Final Forms emails and BR social media for exact times for tryouts/practice.
All athletes and parents (MS and HS) must be registered with Final Forms - Please register ASAP so you do not miss out on important communications. If your athlete is already in the FinalForms system, please update which sports they plan to play this year (it is reset each year). This will be used for data collection and communication throughout the entire BR athletic department at all levels (MS and HS). Please upload your student’s current sports physical to the FinalForms account.
Any general athletic questions can be directed to Kyle Lawton, Athletic Director, at
Join the Athletic Boosters!
The Black River Athletic Boosters Club is dedicated to supporting all athletic programs at Black River. Please check out the Booster page to find out the many ways to get involved!
Parent Organizations
We seek parents who want to participate in Black River's Parent Organizations! We have many opportunities to help serve the school, including fundraising, research, planning trips, community service events, and helping organize teacher appreciation!
Leadership Committee Chair:, Mia Mahaney
Leadership Committee Treasurer:, Ben Vesper
High School Parent Organization Chair:, open - Temporarily fulfilled by Mia Mahaney
Middle School Parent Organization Chair:, Mary VanEenenaam
Elementary School Parent Organization Chair, Open, Temporarily fulfilled by Brent Rowe (
Join our Facebook groups to stay up-to-date on events, fundraisers, scholarships, volunteer opportunities, and more!
Elementary Parent Organization Facebook Group
Middle School Parent Organization Facebook Group
High School Parent Organization Facebook Group
Get Involved!
Submit your Volunteer Interest Forms online! A new form must be submitted each year.
2024-2025 Parent Organization Volunteer Interest Form
Save the Date for the BRPO Kickoff Social - Wednesday, September 4, from 5-7pm at Brew Merchant Hall
Come to learn about opportunities for you to get involved that fit with your time, skills, and interests.
This event is for you if you....
... are the parent or guardian of a K-12 BR student
... are a teacher, staff member, or other part of the BR community
... want to learn more about the Parent Organization
... are looking for a way to get involved with the school
... are interested in meeting other people from the BR community
... or just need a child-free hour to eat some appetizers
We will have more information about the PO, Fine Art Boosters, and Athletic Boosters and the different events held throughout the year that could use your support.
BRPO Schedule Semester 1
Welcome Back to School Teacher Appreciation (TA)
Wednesday the 4th – Kickoff Social
Monday the 16th – BRPO Meeting
Friday the 4th – Homecoming
Wednesday the 9th – BRPO Meeting
Thursday the 24th – TA Conferences Lunch
Wednesday the 6th – BRPO Meeting
16th - 20th – TA during Exam Week
BRPO Dine and Donate Calendar
Fundraising for BR has never been easier! Check out our Dine and Donate calendar and plan where your family will be eating on the third Thursday of each month. All proceeds support the BRPO and student life! Calendar link coming soon.
Athletic Boosters
The Black River Athletic Boosters Club is dedicated to supporting all athletic programs at Black River. Please check out the Booster page to find out the many ways to get involved!
Fine Arts Boosters
Do you have a student who is interested in one of the Fine Arts at Black River? Would you like to be part of supporting the Fine Arts program, the teachers & their goals? Come join us and share your enthusiasm and ideas!
The FAB is made up of volunteers who support the teachers and educational goals of the Fine Arts department, including art, band, choir, and orchestra. During the school year, we host two annual art showcases and fundraisers: RatFest in February and Spring Fine Arts Night in April.
OPEN POSITIONS for 2024-2025 School Year
FAB Chair—This position requires attendance at monthly Leadership Committee meetings, attendance at FAB meetings, and help organizing RatFest and Fine Arts Night.
FAB Treasurer—This position requires attendance at FAB meetings and coordination with the Leadership Committee Treasurer, the school Business Office, and the different fine arts department members to track FAB revenue, expenses, etc.
DON'T HAVE TIME TO HOLD A POSITION? No worries! There are PLENTY of ways to help FAB during their two fundraisers. Examples would be working short shifts at the event, setting up, cleaning up, selling tickets, selling concessions, and helping with crafts.
DON'T HAVE TIME TO ATTEND AN EVENT? No Worries! For each event, we will need donated items. RatFest will post a list of concession items we will sell at the event. Keep an eye out for the signup on the website! For Fine Arts Night, we will have items listed for baskets that will be raffled off on the night of the event! All donations are greatly appreciated and help FAB fund educational trips, classroom supplies, float decorations, and other items tto help the BR Fine Arts Department accomplish its goals and enrich our students.
Interested in volunteering? Contact Katie Chester, FAB faculty liaison at
Athletic Boosters
The Black River Athletic Boosters Club is dedicated to supporting all athletic programs at Black River. Please check out the Booster page to find out the many ways to get involved!
Class of 2025 Senior Party
Non Discrimination Statement
Black River Public School admits students of any race, color, sex, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, athletic programs and other school-administered programs.
School Delays and Closings
Information about emergency school closings and delayed starts will be displayed on the Black River Public School website, emailed via Infinite Campus, and communicated to the local media outlets; WOOD TV8, WZZM TV13 and FOX17. Parents should always refer to the Black River website for final decisions and notices.