Welcome to the Black River Fine Arts Boosters webpage!
We are in the process of rebuilding the Fine Arts Boosters and are looking for volunteers.
The Fine Arts Boosters (FAB) is a group of parent volunteers who work together to support the teachers and educational goals of the Black River Fine Arts department, including Art, Band, Choir and Orchestra. FAB works with the teachers to determine needs within the department to support and promote student involvement and achievement in the arts. This is accomplished by holding fundraisers, finding volunteers and providing funds to the Fine Arts program.
Leadership Team: Chair, Treasurer, Parent Representatives from art, band, choir and orchestra.
Interested in one of the open positions? Please email Katie Chester at chesterk@brpsk12.org.
Co-Chairs: OPEN
Treasurer: OPEN
Art Parent Rep.: OPEN
Orchestra Rep.: OPEN
Choir Parent Rep.: OPEN
Band Parent Rep.: OPEN
Faculty Liaison: Katie Chester, chesterk@brpsk12.org
Meetings: TBD, Usually would meet once a month
Annual Events: The Fine Arts Boosters sponsors two all-school activities that feature the work of our Fine Arts students and provide opportunities to raise funds for the department. These include:
Fall RatFest
SAVE THE DATE! Friday, November 15th, 2024
An annual fundraiser with a Live Performance Stage in which students grades 6-12 perform in front of an audience. Performances include singing, acting, playing an instrument… anything related to the Fine Arts. This event takes on a concert-like atmosphere and provides an opportunity for Black River students to showcase their talents. Other features of RatFest include a student art display, 50/50 raffle, craft room and concession stand.
Spring Fine Arts Night
Our second annual fundraiser held during an evening in early May. This event showcases the accomplishments the Fine Arts students have achieved over the school year, including the musical arts (band, choir and orchestra) as well as visual arts. Performances take place throughout the Lyceum building and student artwork is displayed for all to enjoy. An addition is the Silent Auction. Bids are placed on artwork and other donated items throughout the evening. All proceeds go towards the needs of the Fine Arts department.
Questions about the FAB or interested in volunteering? Please contact chesterk@brpsk12.org.